Saturday, January 15, 2011

What a difference a year makes...

It's been said that we "over-estimate what we can accomplish in a day, and severely under-estimate what we can achieve or accomplish in one year"!

I think it's true.

What I know for sure, as the past year has come to an end, and another begins, is that 'living intentionally' is the answer, for me, to a more fulfilling and joyous life. And living more intentionally, through your wit and wisdom, Mom, has been life-changing in so many ways.

I am grateful. So very grateful...that you are my mom. That I'm one of your 10 kids, and for all the gifts you've given me this past year.

This blog was to be your birthday present, as you turn 75 in one week. I hope you've enjoyed tuning in 5 days/week or more, over the past year. It's been a true gift to me, to write to you, Mom. I can hardly believe that a year has passed. This was one of the first photos that I posted on your blog, one year ago, when we were home for our birthday's.

So much has happened since then.
So much has changed...
And so much has (thankfully) stayed the same.
Our family remains healthy. Happy. Close and connected. How blessed we all are!

This year, as we celebrated Christmas and your birthday, and Pearl surprised us with a cake for our birthday, with almost all of our family together, there is so much to be thankful for.

Blowing out our candles this year, I could wish for nothing more.

This past year has been an amazing year of being guided or led by intention. Sometimes not even my intention, but God's or the Universe's.

I finally feel 'at home' in my new home. I've never felt truly 'at home' in any of the 8 homes I've lived in, since moving to Kelowna. Sure, many of the houses were lovely. Gorgeous, in fact. And others, well, they were 'fixer-upper's', to say the least, and I'm grateful for every experience of packing and unpacking and packing again to move on to a new adventure. All the renovating, fixing and work on the houses were a metaphor for working on myself. Sort of a never-ending project called 'life'.

If we're still alive, the project isn't complete.

But this house, Mom, I said a few years ago, without even thinking about it, "Anne, when you're ready to sell your home, let me know. I'd love to buy it." When Gwen called to say that it was for sale, I didn't remember that I had said that I'd buy it, at first. But it was meant to be. And every time I look outside and see Gwen living across the street or drive up into the drive way, I feel, "I'm home!"

The extra space for visitors (hint-hint), fruit trees and sunrise every day are miracles that never cease! I still can't believe I get to wake up every day to the bright sunrise and view! I dreamed of this 16 years ago when I moved to Kelowna! In fact, I remember driving around Caseloma when we first moved here and I thought, wouldn't it be incredible to live over here!

And the new house is just one thing that's changed this year!

Simplifying and focusing on what I truly want in my life has been a work in progress. I have made huge strides...and still have a long way to go. The way you live your life, with simplicity and focus on your own true calling of your faith and family, have been a huge influence on me, Mom.

This past year has also provided a tremendous gift of intentionally 'slowing down'. Slowing down in every way from my driving to how I live my life. I could still slow down a little more, but it's been wonderful to not try to keep up to anyone and just go at my own pace. To not worry about the rat race and actually take myself out of that race and enter a different race called 'enjoying the present moment'.

Slowing down enough to start enjoying the present moment has been the greatest gift this year. Being open to possibility and not attached to the outcome in so many moments of the past year has filled me with joy.

I guess that's what joy is.

Living in the present moment + being open to possibility + no attachment to the outcome = JOY!

This is you, Mom. It's how you have parented all of us and how you love your grand-kids too. You're always fully present with us, you're open to whatever happens nad you don't seem to worry or get attached to the future and any outcome. You never cared about what we did for our careers, you just cared if we were happy and that we grew up to be kind and good.

And who knew that when you slow down long enough, you not only find yourself, you find love too?

Yes. Who knew?

Perhaps the past several years (all the things that went right and all the things that went wrong) have been a test.... A test...To discover what I'm made of. To find my faith. To teach me so many life-lessons that are actually life-blessings. To raise the bar on my own life so that I attract what's best for my heart and spirit and not just what my ego thinks it wants.

As this year comes to an end, I am so grateful, Mom.
So grateful for you and our family. So grateful for al that is and isn't.
So grateful to have had this little connection with you that has meant so much to me.

I love you Mom.
See you tomorrow.
I just can't quite sign off yet.
love Crystal

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