Sunday, October 31, 2010

The way we look at things...

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Yesterday was filled with a million wonderful moments...moments of sunshine and running by the lake pushing myself beyond what I thought I could do...moments of laughter and poking fun at myself...moments of courage where I saw those around me do the right thing...moments of friendship and great conversation...moments of joy and feeling like the most fortunate person on the planet.

It was a perfect day in most every way...with "perfect" being a matter of perspective and choice. Because...the way I look at things has a huge impact on what those things mean.

And seeing a this crazy little car with all sorts of wonderful quotes and words written all over it was a divine moment that summarized my day yesterday.

All over this car were words of hope, love and inspiration. The universe perfectly orchestrated everything about yesterday including a glimpse of this 4-wheels of joy! (I didn't get a look at who owns or was driving this car...but I wish it was me (20 years younger). :)

Mom...thank you for the grace you've given me...grace and inner do the right thing...and ability to encourage others to do the same. Thank you for the perspective you've bestowed in me to realize that the way I look at things determines what those things mean...and thank you for the strength you've given me to change the way I look at things...b/c it's true that if I can do that, the things I'm looking at change!

Love Crystal
PS: What would you have done if this was parked in your drive way 20 years ago? Wouldn't that have been hilarious!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Leadership and Divine Intervention

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo.
As I sit here on the plane, flying home, I’m very grateful for this week; for all of the time spent; for the opportunity to make a difference and the ability and capability to influence my own future. I’m also grateful for the few frustrating moments that served to remind me of where I’m called to be and what I’m called to do. ...and how important it is for me to honour that calling.

I heard a song called “No Worries”, for the first time this week, and just can’t get it out of my mind now. The first line (repeated often) is, “I just know your life’s gonna change.” It’s just a fabulous song and in some way, for some reason, I just know it was speaking directly to me....

Two nights ago, I could not get to sleep. At 2:00am, I was still awake, with my mind filled with ideas and inspiration. Watching an amazing video clip from a movie called “Facing The Giants” earlier in the night did not help put my mind to rest either. The movie clip went something like this:

A football team was practising for a big game against a much stronger team. When one player said something discouraging that inferred they would lose in the coming game, the coach asked the player to stand up and come forward. Then he asked the player to do a drill, an exercise, that they often did in practise, and asked for one thing; for the boy to do his very best.

That was it. His very best.

And then the coach blindfolded the boy so he could not see how far he was he could not see when he reached his goal.

So he would not stop when he reached his goal.

The boy started the exercise and without realizing it, passed his initial goal, and then kept going...and going...and going...and as the boy reached his maximum and did his very best, the coach was cheering loudly.

When the boy took off the blindfold and realized that he went twice as far as he thought he could, the team looked on in amazement. He thought he could make it only to the 50 yard line on the football field...but he had made it all the way across the field, to the opposite end-zone.

Then the coach spoke. Among other things, he said, “God has gifted you the gift of leadership. Don’t waste it.”
The video clip was only 4 minutes long, but it will have an impact on me for a very long time, I hope.

It was very inspiring. So inspiring that at 2:00am, I was wide awake and imagining what could be possible if I didn’t stop when I reached my goals. I wonder how far I could go, the difference I could make and the impact I could have...if I would, first of all, get out of my own way in certain areas and, secondly, if I didn’t know when I arrived at “good enough”. ..and if I truly knew where I was called to be.

At 3:00am, just as I was getting to sleep, a thought came to me so clearly it was as if I was seeing it on a huge illuminated billboard. I could hear it in my ears as if someone was shouting and it startled me awake.

I've come to know this voice, which doesn't happen often, as Divine Intervention. I know it's God speaking to me. Some might think I'm a bit nutty, but I know this voice over the years and although I don't hear it often, when I do, I pay attention.

It's impossible not to. It's almost as if I don't have a choice and it's impossible to ignore.

It said, “You need to write.”

And then today, coincidentally, literally out of the blue, someone came to me and asked me to write a little booklet for them...and they'll even pay me to write it. I could do it. It would be a fun project. And I do love to write. Even if I'm not very good. I loved writing the 90 Day Challenge workbook and I think I could put together a great little booklet. We'll see. I'm going to take the weekend to regroup and think about it. I'm eager to finish some things before starting something new. However, I think I experienced a "God Wink" the other night and I don't think I can or should ignore it.

I love when those moments happen...signs from the Universe that give direction, tell you you're on your right path and give you energy (more like a jolt of lightening) to step up and honour that "gift of leadership".

Mom, you are the most amazing leader I know. You are...Courageous. Fearless. Strong. Fair. Humble. Kind. A visionary. Based in values. Encouraging. Inspiring. Empowering. Honest. You bring out the potential and gifts of all of us. And in your way, you taught us to be leaders in our own way. You truly are the most amazing leader I know.

I love you. I hope you had a great time out with everyone!! Thx for the little chats this week. Thank you for the energy you gave me this week and for being there.
Oh, and thanks for telling me to get going when I was at work late at night!! It was a bit spooky as I locked the gate and got the heck out of there.
love crystal

PS I found this in a magazine and loved what it had to say.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Ripple Effect...of Bernie's Brilliance

Mom, you really are an inspiration to so all of us...your kids and grandkids...But there's more! Mom, you are an inspiration to all of our friends as well. How could our friends not be the recipients of all that you taught us, since we all spent so much time with one another when growing up.

And amazingly...not only your kids, but our friends are raising their kids with a bit of "Bernie's brilliance" too...

Tania sometimes reads your blog and emailed me today and wanted to share a few of her memories and wisdom that she gained from you over the years...

When I read what Tania wrote, I couldn't help but stop and really think about just how much of a difference you make in all of our lives, Mom. I wonder what your family who hold you as the center of our universe and the glue that keeps us all together would share if asked to offer some of the wisdom they learned from you...

Wisdom that Tania learned from you...

1) Bernice is a quitter. She quit smoking.. she quite dying her hair (all of a sudden, it wasn't black anymore, remember?)... and she quit a marriage that didn't work --- against her religion and all good sense. .. bringing you all into Regina. What a brave quit.

2) Bernice was the original motivational speaker. Remember those yellow stickies on the mirror? Where did she get that? a true original.

3) The cinnamon buns. They were good. They were plentiful. Then we all got healthy.

Tania's memories and wisdom learned from you speak so clearly to all of us...especially when we were young, growing up and finding our place in the world...

She (and you) are right:
- Quitting isn't a bad thing. Sometime's it's the very best thing to do...even if it's the hardest thing you ever did. Quitting smoking surely wasn't easy...and moving 5 kids into the city (aged 4-14) ALONE was an act of courage and grace that we're all forever thankful for! As for your hair...I remember when you let it go 'natural' and it looked great! You were, and are, stunning Mom, and perfect, exactly as you are.
- You really were and still are the most original, inspirational and motivational speaker in my world. In my lifetime, if I could be a fraction of what you are, I would truly inspire those around me to become more than they ever thought possible.
- Oh...and those cinnamon buns...Tania really is brilliant and amazing at remembering some incredible moments and memories...your cinnamon buns were famous...with all the brown sugar and coconut and rasins...YES....they were something to be savoured! Without a doubt, they were made with more love than any other ingredient!

Mom, your brilliance, influence and wisdom leave a living legacy and ripple effect that reaches beyond what either of us could likely imagine.

I love you.
PS: A very special thank you to Tania for sharing her wisdom gained from hanging out at 7 Low Place.
PPS: Here's a photo of the group of seven (minus 2 who weren't there) who have benefited from Bernie's Brilliance over the years, too.

Be who you are!

We're all sort of like marbles...virtually the same on the outside, yet so vastly unique on the inside.

Unique likes and dislikes.
Unique gifts and talents.
Unique personalities and styles.
Unique passions and callings.

It's in embracing our uniqueness and listening to our own inner voice that is important. And honouring our calling...

Oprah says...
"There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It's why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.”

As I work in Edmonton, I'm thinking about my inner calling. What I've been born to do. How I become most truly alive....

It's not by being here, I don't think. To make the point even clearer to me, as if it wasn't already, was that two people who called me from Kelowna lastnight (in different phone calls), and they asked, first thing, after I answered the phone and said hello was "What's wrong?"

Nothing's wrong. This just isn't my calling. And so I'm not really excited or alive with passion or even my usual exuberance.

For me, this is all good information. Great experience. Incredible wisdom gained.

There are parts of being here that I love. That I'm called to do. And then, there are other parts that are clearly not my passion. Now, I know that sometimes work is exactly that. Work! It's not always easy or what we want to be doing....but this is all good information for me to take and think about as I spend the week here. When I'm on the plane on Friday, going home, I'm sure it'll provide a great space and opportunity to sit back and process all of these thoughts, ideas, and where I think I'm best utilizing my gifts and honouring my calling....

Until then, I'm going to be present and focused and share my gifts and talents and be who I am, offering the very best of me, every moment of every day.

Love you, Mom.
Today - thank you for teaching me to be who I am.
See you soon,
Love Crystal

PS...and when I get back to my hotel room, I can put on my warm socks and give thanks for my mom who always left the door open for me to go after and honour my calling.

Monday, October 25, 2010

What matters most

Clearly, if all our belongings can be packed up in boxes and thrown out ...what matters most in life can never be something that fits in one of those boxes.

Today, I had an opportunity to pack someone's office up b/c they are moving to a different office. As I packed up their belongings, it dawned on me that all the things we're working on, all the things we own, and all the belongings we have in our desk and even in our home....mean nothing compared to a few other things:
- how we make other people feel
- the relationships we have with the people in our lives
- our daily actions and how we live our lives

Two boxes filled with the entire contents of someone's desk (even if that desk is located in the corner office)...and even two moving-trucks loaded with the contents of a house...could never hold value or be how we make one another feel, how we build relationships and how we live our lives through our daily actions....

I have so much yet to do, to be a better friend, to slow down some more in order to make time and space for the people in my life...but I feel grateful for the values I learned from you, Mom, and the importance of the intangible things in life. (Not including my new snazzy white chairs!) :) They're hot!! haha

Today, as I was flying from Kelowna to Edmonton, I sat back and looked out the window at the clouds, thinking about my life, loving the moment of peace, looking forward to all that doesn't fit in a box.
Love you,
See you soon.

PS: I'm in Edmonton for the week, staying at our regular hotel where Las Vegas meets the Jetsons! There's something lovely about familiarity and knowing the lady at the front desk by name. And even more that she asked, "Where are your sisters?"

Just Do It!

I've been wanting these gorgeous white chairs (see far side by window - in photo) for months! They're at Rona and I've been checking them out every time I'm there, buying stuff for the hostel or the house. I tried to forget about them b/c they're a bit of a luxury item and right now, I'm not spending any money on luxury anything...but I was there again over the weekend and they only had 3 left and might not order them I did it! I just had to do it!

I really did try to forget about them...but something kept reminding me about them and every time I would be at Rona, I'd just have to find them and sit on them for a few minutes. Admire them. Ooogle them.

Well, I'm so glad I followed Nike's slogan of "Just Do It"!

I'll forgo eating to sit on these lovely works of art! They're low to the floor so our (short) legs have no trouble reaching the floor while sitting on them. You're going to love them!

There's probably lots of other areas in my life that I need to just do it!
- that garage still isn't finished!
- practise my guitar
- de-clutter a few things
- organize the kitchen cupboards
- organize the office
But the rest of my life is pretty amazing and the house...and the painting in the VRBO and at the Wardlaw suite is getting done this week! Things are getting done! Slowly. Steadily. I may not move too quickly sometimes...but when I'm ready, I can make things happen.

I am your daughter!

We can hardly wait to see you Mom! Thank you for coming!
We're getting the Rider Cheering Attire ready and Gwen and I are going to prepare food so all we have to do is VISIT! LAUGH! HAVE FUN and ENJOY EACHTOHER'S COMPANY!

I love my momma!
Hope all is well at home, Mom.
Thx for the chat at the airport!!
love Crystal

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Idea + Fabulous Friends = Change the World!

The 6th annual Great Big Run For Africa was today!!!!!!

My friend Steph, came to me 6 years ago, in 2005, and said, "I have an IDEA...and if you don't say one else you have to say yes!"

That was all it took for me...feeling very special that I was the only one for some idea she had in mind. And then she told me about her idea!

Run 100km for women in Africa....inspired by our other friend Alison's speech and recent visit to Africa where she found women living in conditions we couldn't imagine, with nothing - nothing to raise their families on!

That was 5 years ago....and today was our 6th annual "Great Big Run For Africa". We didn't run the whole 100km this time. Just 10km each for everyone one the relay and we laughed and chatted with fellow-runners or in the RV. I couldn't stay all day b/c I had to get ready to go to Edmonton tomorrow but it was a great day!!!

Here's a photo from last year when we finished!

Our other friend, Nicole, kept the dream of our run alive this year by taking on much of the work on her own when the rest of us said that maybe the natural course of the run had taken it's course....and the run went well. Next year, I said it was my turn and volunteered to be the lead organizer. Next year...we're going to take the run to a whole new level! I'm not sure of a financial fundraising goal...but I made a commitment and was intentional about it.

I think it's what I was called to do. I knew it before today, when we almost let our effort of the past 5 years be forgotten.

I'm excited to see where we could take the event that we've all come to love - for the cause...and for the chance for old friends to reconnect...something that some of us only do once a year on our Great Big Run day!

I feel grateful to be surrounded by such inspiring and strong women...who are filled with ideas AND who bring them to life, balancing families, work and their personal lives at the same time.

It makes me realize that anything is possible...even changing the world...if we have an idea and a group of fabulous friends to help us bring it to life!

Mom, love you.
Thank you for who you are and for telling me when I was in highschool, "Be careful who your friends are and who you spend your time with." You were so right!
Love Crystal

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The class I was blessed to work with this past week was, indeed, the absolute best class I've taught in a decade! And I think I was a better facilitator because of them and how extraordinary they were.

They were focused. Determined. Honest. Genuine. Supportive of one another and of me. Passionate about their business ideas. Talented and skilled at their own expertise. Eager to learn. Eager to share their ideas. And they all had great senses of humour and created a dynamic and fun atmosphere.

The entire week was just one great day after another and the excellent discussion, the ideas generated and the pure JOY that was present every day astounded me! This was, after all, a business program.

I implemented some new ideas throughout the week, tried some new stuff and did things a little differently than usual. (I think I'll continue to do those different things in the future.)

This incredible week made me realize how important it is not to get stuck in my old way of doing things, the way I've always done them...and it gave me confidence to add new and unique concepts (that I love) to my week, that, although are related to business, are actually much more about the "bigger picture" in and our purpose or calling.

I think we're all called to do something great in life...not just 'get by'.

I was exhausted by Friday night b/c it was such a big week...and I gave it everything I had. Most days, I arrived to my classroom and never left, until the end of the day, even to go to the washroom. It was just non-stop from the moment I arrived until the moment I said, at the end of the day "My brain has reached it's capacity for the day. I don't know about yours. Get out of here." And then I would bolt to the washroom, realizing I had not gone all day b/c I was so busy and focused on what we were doing all day.

I still remember the day, decades ago, when I was in university and Kate was teaching a class in Saskatoon to some other teachers...and she was at the overhead projector (we don't use those any more) and I stood at the very back of the room and thought to myself, "I want to be like her and do what she's doing one day." I distinctly remember her red dress that went to just above the knee with short sleeves. Funny...Cindy has a blue dress I think that's very similar and I bought a navy blue dress exactly the same.

This morning, as I revamped my workbook, in preparation for the next program, I am excited to bring new and innovative ideas to the program and not just keep them in my other non-business programs. Business and life are not so separate. They're really one and the same...and it's our 'business that should serve us. We are not meant to be a servant to our business.'

Mom, I learned this from you. When we were little, playing in the tires at the tire shop, where you were doing the books, it seemed, even then, that it wasn't about a job or the books. It was a part of your life...but not your life.

Thank you for helping me to see the big picture...that work and business are to serve our lives, family and dreams...we really aren't meant to be a servant (for too long) to the business.

Love you,

Friday, October 22, 2010

Intentional Eating

I'm teaching my business program in Penticton this week and the class I have just might be the very best class I've ever had in 10 years. It's been a joy to show up every day and be a part of the positive learning, the lightbulb-moments, the focus on their business ideas and inspiration to create an incredible future.

One of the participants makes her own alternative health items including protien bars, nut-milk, granola and crackers. An amazing person and brilliant individual...she gave me a couple cookbooks to look at overnight about unique and different recipes and information.

I learned so much.

The cookbooks are by Rose Vasile.

I'm totally inspired to learn some new ways to cook and eat.
She has a big list of food staples that we should have in our cupboards and fridge.
(Mom - your fridge and cupboards are full of these items!)

Food staples:
almonds, beets, carob powder, carrots, celery, dates, dulse (what's this?), flax seeds, fruit, green onions, greens, hemp seeds, lemon and limes, parsley, pecans, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, rasins, seeds for sprouting (I'm learning about this!), sesame seeds, steel cut oats, sunflower seeds, all kinds of spices,

Interesting stuff:
- you need to soak nuts (all nuts) in water, for different lengths of time depending on the nut, to release the enzymes in the, for example, if you soak almonds overnight, for 12 hours, when you eat them, you get 50% more enzymes out of them (nutrition for the body!).
There's so many interesting tid-bits in the books.

I think I'm going to buy these books for my Christmas gift exchange item for our Christmas family get-together!

Mom, love you!
I wish I would have paid closer attention to what you make and your recipes when I lived at home!!
love Crystal

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I don't have to...I get to.

I don't have to work out. I get to.

When I got home from a big day of teaching in Penticton along with a 2 hour drive (there and back) the very LAST thing I wanted to do today was go for a run.

But I didn't go out yesterday and on Monday, I only went out for a 30 min run. So...I really needed to get out there. But I just didn't want to go. What I really wanted to do was lay on the couch, channel-surf and have a snack (or do all 3 at once).

Seriously the very last thing I wanted to was ANYTHING!

This isn't like me. Usually I'm eager to get out and exercise, especially when I'm training for something or it's a gorgeous day outside. Now, I'm not currently training for anything but it was nearing the end of a gorgeous day!! So...much to my mind's stalling, my body found it's own way to get on some running clothes and lace up my shoes...and get out there.

I didn't want to. I didn't have to. But I certainly GET to. It is a privilege to be able to run...and one that I needed to remind myself of today. If I have to be honest, I needed a whole lot more than reminding...I needed a kick in the ass out the door!

It's funny how it happens...but when one good thing happens, it seems to create a domino effect for more great things to happen!

When I got back from my run, 2 contractors came to look at the house for painting and electrical work that I want done (painting the lower level) and pot lights/replacing fixtures upstairs) and their prices were reasonable! So...the lower level gets painted next week! Before Cindy and Kate arrive! Yay! Yay! Yay! It's going to look gorgeous!!!

And Rob is going to paint the upstairs as he has time between his other work.


Today has been a fantastic day for lots of things!!
I think we finalized our location for the next DIVA Retreat to be held next April 10-17th, Casa Des Los Suenos ( on Isla Mujeres in the Caribbean ocean!!

Oh my GOD....isn't this amazing!!!!!!!

Mom...thank you so much for whatever it is that you instilled in all of us, and in me, that seems to be resilient and able to stand up when we fall try again when something doesn't work shift from "having" "getting" to.
I love you!
Can't wait to see you!
I still wish you were able to come out in a couple weeks!
love Crystal
PS: I sat here writing all this, a bouquet of roses came to my door....for me! Yes - me!

Thank you Mom, for EVERYTHING and thank you God for being selective in the prayers you answered.

Just the way you are...

There's this great new song called "Just the way you are" and it's bright and happy...and the lyrics are lovely.

Written for you.



Because you are amazing...just the way you are!

Thank God for people in our lives that make us all feel that we are amazing. For this - I am grateful!

Mom, thanks for making us feel that we were (and are) amazing...just the way we are. You always made us feel good about ourselves. I don't remember a time (EVER) where you made me feel unworthy or not good about myself. (Well...unless I did something blatantly wrong...and then you certainly put me in my place - with reason! that time when I snuck out when I was about 16 and you were at bingo...and I swept the skiff of snow off the steps to erase my footprints...and you knew (obviously) that someone had been out! haha! We were never as smart as we thought we were!)

Mom,you're wonderful. And amazing. Just the way you are!
Have a great day and talk with you soon,
love Crystal

Just the way you are - Bruno Mars

Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same

So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The simpliest of things...

...can be the most beautiful if we only stop to notice.
To wake up and be able to jump out of bed and be healthy with so much to look forward to and so many people to love around is truly a beautiful morning!
I love you, Mom.
Congratulations on the walking!
Love Crystal

Sunday, October 17, 2010

An unexpected path to almost everything.

The sun is shining on another glorious morning and the view is almost blinding over the water!
And I'm getting a head start on Christmas already! But I need your help!
I want to make socks or something...and am a little lost! Where's my momma when I need her? haha...

Actually...that's no joke! I'm serious!!
I need my momma! And not just to help me with this knitting! :)

Thanks for the little chat yesterday and today. Great to speak with you Mom. I miss you!

I'm reading this great book right now called, "Women Food and God: an unexpected path to almost everything.". It's very good! I wanted to read it for myself and my own sake and also for our DIVA Retreats since food and body/weight issues are something that most women grapple with.

One chapter is entitled, "If Love Could Speak" and it talks about the following...
Eating when you're what your body wants, stop when you've had enough...and take off the 'boots' (stories, thoughts, self-defeating things we say to ourselves) that are holding us down from soaring in a new world (where we love and accept ourselves, our bodies and allow our spirit to shine).
The book goes on to say that
Food and eating isn't the problem with weight...and the obsession over food and the body isn't about something you do; it's about knowing who you are. It's about knowing what sustains you and what exhausts you. What you love and what you think you love because you believe you can't have it.

Eating should be about nourishing the body.
If love could speak...what would it say?
Trust the process, trust your longing for freedom. Eventually you will stop wanting to do anything that interferes with the increasing brightness you have come to associate with being alive. And rest assured that like the butterfly that flutters its wings in one part of the world and int causes a hurricane in another, every time a woman aligns her eating with relaxation, every time she takes off her damn boots, the laces fly open for the rest of us.

IF Love Could Speak Instructions:
1. Eat when you are hungry.
2. Eat sitting down and in a calm environment. This does not include the car.
3. Eat without distractions. Distractions include radio, TV, newspapers, books, anxiety producing conversations or music.
4. Eat what your body wants.
5. Eat until you are satisfied.
6. Eat (with the intention of being) in the full view of others.
7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.

The book is amazing! And the tag line, "An unexpected path to almost everything." is quite poetic. The book is really about the relationship we have with ourselves, not only with food.

You could have written this book in many ways, Mom. You look fabulous! After 10 kids! Seriously - amazing! How do you look so good? You eat what nourishes you. You eat when you're hungry and stop when you've had enough. You eat at the table and taught us to do these same things. I hated beets until you told me they were good for me. Same for brussel sprouts. You rarely eat treats (I must get that from Dad!) and you take time to listen to what your body needs.

Thank you for your influence, for all your recipes and for being such a big part of the path to almost everything.

I love you,

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Now that's more like it!

It's amazing what one can accomplish...if they make the friggin' list and follow it!
Yup. Who knew?

After being disorganized, spinning my wheels and not getting nearly enough checked off my list...I finally got sick and tired of going in circles and got some things DONE!

Thank you Mom and God for giving me a shallow bottom to my barrel.

To start the day, yesterday morning Gwen and I went to do 10 flights of stairs at Bear Creek Park. We counted one flight...147 steps. If we round up to 150...that's 1500 steps climbed. We had such a good time. Then we hiked the 2km loop and talked, laughed and celebrated just being alive, healthy and able to be out there hiking at 9am on a Friday.

After that I went to the rental and took a load to the Salvation Army and then loaded up a car full of bankers boxes (with work papers over the past 7 years) that were stored in the garage...and took them to my house...and now there's only one ( car load left there!

I had a big conversation with the realtor as well and he says I have to cut the price more on the house that I'm trying to sell. I asked for comparables. I called other Realtors who's signs I saw in the neighbourhood that had "sold" signs on them...and their prices were higher than my house price! So...I'm not lowering the price... My gut says - Paint it. Fix up the few deficiencies and the house will sell.

It's funny...when you put a bit of energy towards something....magic happens. It's also empowering. Life just feels better. It feels like being stuck in the mud and then getting 'un-stuck'. Crossing off a few things off my list yesterday was like closing a door that was letting all the heat out of the house. Or....closing a hole that was sucking my energy out.

Just a few little things crossed off my list feels so much better. Thank you GOD!

And then I went to the hostel, got the new computer running properly after hours and hours of frustration!

And now the ball is rolling in other areas as well! I realize that I'm not suppossed to stare endlessly at colour chips, confused and undecided, an interior designer is coming over to the house today to pick colours for the vacation rental and my living space. I couldn't pick the right colours if my life depended on rather than stagnate any longer, I called someone to help me.

Maybe that's what it's about (and perhaps I needed a little reminder) that when I need help, I just have to call someone to help me. And sometimes...I simply need to get up and help myself.

Mel and I also decided to find a new location for the DIVA Retreat in Mexico. I was supposed to send my credit card to our original location to pay the deposit...but I just couldn't do it. Finally, I told Mel that something was stopping me from sending our deposit. There were a few factors that were not perfect about that location as well, so it just didn't feel right. Over the past few days, we have been looking for new locations...and OH MY GOD! There are some amazing places out there!

This one is our favourite!!

We'll see.

For now, I'm off to get that last load from the house and make a plan to get things in order there...put up a few curtains in the art room, maybe paint the inside of the garage...and see if I can get the exterior of the house painted this late in the year...and then...I have faith that my little beach house will sell at the price I want it to.

One thing is for sure, Mom, have a very stubborn daughter! Probably, it's not always a good thing...but occasionally, it's not a bad attribute.

Thank you for listening, Mom.
This is more like it!
Love you,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Where Have YOU Been?

This is a question I'm asking myself right now...and one I remember you asking when we were teen-agers!

Where have you been?

Days and weeks have flown by and I've been busy with so many projects...but it feels like I'm jugging too many things right now and nothing is getting completed properly.

Living intentionally has gone out the window this week!

Work, selling the house (an unanswered prayer...still!), organizing my vacation rental suite downstairs (slow on my tight budget!), the hostel (it's like it's got magnets glued all over it and I'm made of metal...I just get sucked in there and never leave). (Sort of like the that's not really a bad thing now is it?) And then there's the gala, the next DIVA Retreat, trying to maintain some sort of exercise and health (how is it possible to have had such good intentions of my 6 pack summer and it's not summer anymore and my 6 pack still hasn't arrived...not by a long shot!). And it would be nice to have some sort of 'life', too.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now...not doing a very good job of juggling at all. And certainly not living as intentionally as I would like to be!

All in all, I bring myself back to my center as I write this and realize that I've been going in my mind and in life...getting wound up, frazzled and going too fast to slow down enough to regroup, focus, get settled and slowly, methodically, accomplish one thing at a time. I guess this is all a process. There is no finite end or finish line when it comes to being intentional. It's a work in least it is for me...and although I have not seen you in SOOOOO long Mom, I hope that there's little parts of you that come through in me and my busy life that help to bring me back to center, to myself...and show me where I am so that I don't have to ask myself, "Where the heck have you been?"

A friend of mine is great at making lists, worksheets and prioritizing details. And this is a skill that many people have. Even me. I can make lists, get organized and create worksheets almost as good as the best of them...but this, this is only step one. Step 1 is only part of the equation...and it's the easy part. Step friend is also very good at that! VERY! I could learn a few things here beause at step that's where I stumble...that's where I have to follow my damn list that I made!

STEP 1: Make the list!
STEP 2: Follow it. Dammit!

It's really so very simple. Make the list. Then follow it.

If I can do this, then I'll know where I've been. I would be on that page, working smarter, not harder, somewhere between all the crossed-off, check marked, scribbled out, complete and finished projects...doing the happy dance of joy that only comes with hard work, discipline and focus.

Mom, I love you, miss you and need a little bit of you right now!
It's a good thing you're not coming out right now though ...YOU would probably be put to work! Either that...or YOU would be the Master of the List...and WE would all be put to work.
Yes...that's probably the way it would work.
I love you!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Note to self - stretch!

On Thanksgiving weekend, Gwen, Charlotte (a friend of ours) and I went to Bear Creek Park to run the stairs. The stairs were sort of like in this photo although I didn't have a camera so this photo is just from the internet but it looked very similar...and just as steep!
The stairs were over 100 steps to go up. Gwen said they were closer to 140...I am not sure. I lost count!
We ran up and down the stairs 6 times and then hiked the 2km loop that went up, over and around the creek and then back down to the car.

We had so much fun!!!

Until the next day...and the day after that! Today, my calves are still so sore that it hurts to walk down any stairs. Going up is OK but going down is not easy! I feel more sore than when I've done a triathlon! I spoke to Gwen yesterday and we both laughed at our sore calves.

Note to self: stretch!

We're planning a big friend stair-climbing session on Friday. I'm not sure that I'm ready! Maybe one or two sets...but that's about it! Maybe I can be there for moral support and cheering! I'll let you know how it goes!! Gwen's so excited about it! It's a big work-out and will be so much fun with a bunch of people!

Next time, I think we should stretch though. Take a few minutes at the end. Stop. Stretch. Slow down. And take it easy.

One thing is for sure...all things are more fun, more enjoyable and more worthwhile when surrounded by friends and family.

Running over 800-900 steps alone would be very hard...but with friends and family...we just laughed the entire time!

Well...we laughed at that time but I certainly wasn't laughing the next day!

I can hear you saying, "Well, why don't you just go do that again!"
Love you, Mom.
See you soon!

Monday, October 11, 2010


At dinner lastnight, we each selected a few little cards that have wonderful messages in them. I randomply picked two for you and Don and opened them up for you.

Some of the other messages were:

"Seek not outside yourself, heaven is within."

"If I had my life to live again, I'd find you sooner."

"Be strong, go with your heart and believe in miracles because anything - anything can happen."

"Then we sat on the edge of the earth, with our feet dangling over the side, and marveled that we had found each other."

"These are the magic years...and therefore magic days...and therefore magic moments."

And then we spent the evening laughing, eating, laying on the livingroom floor and giving thanks...for family, friends and all the bliss, dreams, spirit and love in our lives.

Love you, Mom,

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Am...

I am my mother's daughter!
I can bake like you wouldn't believe!

And make a mess like you could believe!

And clean it all up in 7 minutes flat while the flapper pie is in the oven with the merangue turning a golden colour!

Love you, Mom.
Thank you for the recipe! This time - I measured!

Giving Thanks

Hi Mom!
With so much to be thankful for today (and everyday), we're wishing you and Don a very happy Thanksgiving. Tonight, we're at Gwen's for a turkey dinner and flapper pie!! We wish you and Don were here, Mom. Very much. We'll call you tonight!!

Scotia's been pacing the hallway wondering if Plan B is going to materialize!! :) She's looking forward to seeing you!!!
As the weather changes today (it's raining), it's a perfect morning to sit inside and think of all that I'm thankful for...
- our family
- health (how lucky we are to all be so healthy!)
- the friendship our family shares and how we all like to spend time together
- all the encouragement and support we give one another
- there's always someone to call and talk to in our family
- freedom and opportunity to follow our own path
- wonderful friends
- abundance
- the freedom to make my own choices and decisions
- for the chance to make a difference in the world
- the ability to live in one of the safest, cleanest countries in the world
- faith
- our upbringing and how you raised us
- I'm thankful for all of these things and more...
- for my spirit, mind and body (and bright smile and big teeth)
- for second chances and "do over's" and for how life has a wonderful way of working out
- for all the people that love me and see me for who I really am
- for living across the street from Gwen...I'm very thankful for this
- I'm thankful (so very thankful) to be born into our family and that you're my mom

I could go on and on Mom. I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for every part of this wonderful life, Mom. Thank you for you.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Love you (and Don)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Intentional Decisions

Today is the Hawaii Ironman championship. I put my name in for the lottery and got in but decided a couple months ago that I didn't want or need to go.

Surprisingly, the decision not to go and race was very easy...even though it's the most challenging sporting event in the world and (for those that aren't fast enough to me), I'd received one of the most sought after lottery spots.

Just finishing the race in August did make the decision easier as well, because doing a race 6 weeks later would be beyond difficult, to say the least.

I'm watching the live video feed of the pre-race right now and happy to be doing so from afar, rather than being one of those 2000 athletes getting ready to jump in the water in 30 minutes.

A very cool intentional decision. Thanks Mom! If I hadn't been focusing on living more intentionally, I'm sure I'd be there simply because I'd gotten an opportunity to go...not because I truly, intentionally wanted to be there.

I think I've almost made some other decisions about racing next year ...not that you want to hear them, Mom,...but..maybe Ironman Canada next August and what do you think of Ironman Western Australia next December? Some friends are doing that race...and it is supposed to be a gorgeous course!! We'll see! You'll be the first to know!

Now, on to more relevant decisions...choosing paint colours for the house and vacation rental downstairs. I have no idea what colours to choose! I think I need some professional help from a decorator or designer.

And what to do on this beautiful Saturday...
- put something good into my mind...I'm reading two good books right now: Women, Food and God ...and Spark: the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain
- put something good into my body...I'm doing a test run of your amazing pumpkin pie today in preparation for Sunday dinner at Gwen and Robs!!
- get some exercise...going for a run later
- and focus a little on my 'calling' and what I'm meant to be doing in my on the garage, spend a little time on my book and 15 min on the guitar

So...what do you think of Plan B? :) Gwen and I still have our fingers crossed and hearts hoping!!!

love you,

Friday, October 8, 2010

What if?

A few days ago, Eric and I watched the movie Pay It Forward. He hadn't seen it before. I've watched it at least a dozen times. And every time, I cry my eyes out at the end. Such an inspiring movie. Yet so sad at the same time. I guess that's what makes it such a great movie...

It evokes emotion and makes me wonder...what could be possible. It makes me ask the question, "What if?"

What if it were really true...and what if we each did 3 little "random acts of kindness" in a big way? What could happen? What sort of difference could it make?

If you do the math, after only 60 days of Paying Forward good deeds, 10,460,353,203 good deeds would have been carried out! That's ten and a half billion good deeds! And only 60 days....

What if?

Watching the movie reminds me of the website I made years ago to promote random acts of kindness. It makes me think of how I could make a bigger difference with it. I'm revamping it now and making it more simple. And setting it up so people can submit their stories easier. It's going to be way better.

Living intentionally today means leveraging what I've got, rather than starting something new. It means STILL CROSSING MY FINGERS ABOUT PLAN B (I hope you and Don can come a the end of October)!!! And it also means daydreaming about what could be possible if we surround ourselves with the right people, add a little inspiration and emotion, say what's on our mind/in our hearts and ask the question, "What if?"

Love you, Mom.