Monday, December 28, 2009

No one said it was going to be easy.

I loved this piece of advice from my mom.

I can remember times when I would be overwhelmed with university exams and call home. My mom would listen for a few minutes and then say my favourite line (previously shared), "If you're the only one attending your own pity party, why don't you leave?".

Or, she would say, "Well dear, no one said it was going to be easy.". With that, she would usually follow up with something supportive and encouraging.

When I bought the hostel, a run-down delapitaded "crack house" almost 12 years ago, I remember calling home almost every day for the first 3 weeks of ownership, crying and severely overwhelmed with something that was going on there. Mom would always respond with "Dear, what did you expect? No one said this was going to be easy".

I stopped calling after 3 weeks...only because she came out to help me for a few weeks to get things in order. I am the luckiest child alive to have a mom like this!

I've learned and continue to learn that most things of value usually take the most effort.

Note to self: In January when I am on my "no sugar/treats" this post!

Mom, thank you for teaching me to have a work ethic, to have faith that even when things get hard I can get through them and to believe in myself and that I can do most anything. I love you.

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