Thursday, December 31, 2009

If it doesn't fit - get rid of it!

If it doesn't fit - GET RID OF IT!
Yes, that's right. Get rid of it!
If it doesn't fit, it's time to tag that toe and let it go.

I remember my mom telling me this as I desperately tried to fit into my favourite pair of jeans that I bought about two years prior. I was in grade 10. I bought my beloved jeans in grade 8 or 9. I loved those jeans. They were baby-blue in colour with a 2 inch slit at the ankle seam. I remember telling my mom NOT to dry them in the dryer if she ever washed them b/c they were getting too tight. Now, I wasn't getting fat or anything, although at the time, as a teen-age girl, I probably (definitely) thought I was. I recall trying to squeeze into those jeans, ultimately lying on the bed in an attempt to get the zipper done up. Then, when all else failed, I got a coat hanger and used it to pull the zipper up. (Please God, I cannot be the only one who has ever done this!!)

Well, anyway, mom mom took one look at me after I won the battle with the coat hanger, wearing my skin-tight denim and pointed her finger as if to say, "You're not too old for me to send you back to your room!" With that she said, "Crystal. Get rid of those things. They don't fit! Get rid of them!"

Good advice Mom. Not just for jeans I cannot even breathe in, but as a metaphor for life!

This is a photo of a friend and I on our way to our first concert - Cory Hart! It was likely the last time I wore my beloved baby blues!

So what is "it"?
"It" could be:
- those jeans that are too tight
- those clothes that you never wear or don't feel really fabulous in
- the shoes, the jacket, the work-out gear or those beat-up old runners that have seen better days.

"It" could also be a multitude of other things (not clothing related) that you've either outgrown, that never really fit right in the first place or that you simply no longer need, such as...
- the clutter in your office
- the "junk in your trunk" (which could be the extra weight you're carrying or junk in your vehicle)
- the dust-collecting trinkets in your home
- the piles of stuff in your...(OK, I have to be honest, in my) garage
- people from way back when that used to be acquaintences or friends but with whom you really have nothing in common, 20 or 30 years later
- that boyfriend or date that you just were not meant to be with in the first place
- the furniture, the dishes or the kitchen gadgets that you don't have room for or that you've never used. How many mugs do you really need, anyway? Wine glasses are a completely different story.

For me, it is get rid of "it"! I need to get rid of the junk in my trunk, the stuff in my garage and the clothes that don't fit or make me feel fabulous, the baggage I'm carrying, the dust collecting trinkets... I could go on!

This is on my list from day 3.

If it doesn't fit, get rid of it is going to be the theme for January...along with my no sweets, treats and junk food commitment. (I have to admit...I'm getting nervous and feeling cookie-pangs already!)

It's Day 11. The first 10 days of this project have been more than fun. It is going to get tough starting tomorrow. I know it. I love sweets and treats! I remember hearing at an Anthony Robbins conference years ago that "commitment is doing the things you said you would do long after the feeling that you made the commitment in has left you".

I'm going to have to dig deep!

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