Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Now THAT is amusing!

Life's much better when I look at things in a funny way.

There's amusing things everywhere!

Things to laugh AT...and laugh ABOUT.

Things to smile about and relish in....everywhere I look.

Even loading all the leaves from the hostel and the rental is completely amusing...when I look at it that way. Amusing...and dirty! (Did I mention that I had to dump out the bags of leaves?)

Yesterday, I was on a mission! I loaded up all the leaves and took them to the landfill. Then I loaded up all the cardboard recycling from the move to the new house (that had been sitting in my garage...and then moved to the side of the house) and took that to the recycling place, too.

And everywhere I turned, I encountered something amusing...or something to smile about.

The past few days, with a bit of a 'kick in the butt' from watching that movie, Morning Glory, I've been thinking about the coming year and really dreaming and planning what I want the next year to look like.

It's amazingly simple....look at everything with amusement in my eyes...and then put good stuff in...and VOILA!!...good stuff comes out!

Whether it's a good movie, some good music, a good book or a great conversation with a friend....

When I put good stuff into my brain, body and life...great stuff comes out!'s obvious and simple...but quite extraordinary when actually lived and experienced.

Love you, Mom. Thanks for always keeping things simple. Never complicating life. Always leading life with amusement and the simple equation of 'put good stuff in...and good stuff will come out'!

See you soon!
love Crystal

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