Friday, January 1, 2010

All we have is right now.

Happy new year! It's January 1st, 2010! Time to celebrate and ring in the new year.

Today has been a tremendous reminder of what is really, really important in life.

Feeling. Loving. Being vulnerable. Letting people in. Sharing. Friendship. Helping one another.

These are the things that are important.

All we have is right now.

My little sister, Gwen, has a pet bunny. She and her husband have a beautiful little lop-eared rabbit named Alice. They've had her for several years. Sadly, lately, Alice has been sick and today, she unfortunately passed away. It's a very sad day for all of us. Alice was a very big part of everyone's lives.

Our mom's perspective has always been to enjoy the current moment because all we have is right now. She would encourage us to make the most of any situation and not waste it.

Gwen lives this philosophy with every breath she takes. She is one of the most special and amazing people I have ever met. She is a gift from God. She is my best friend and my heart aches for her right now.

We talked today about Alice and Scotia (my 12 year old cat). We talked about the idea that we don't actually own our pets; we just get to take care of them for a while and love them as much as we can.

So, today, I choose to feel! I choose to love! I choose to cry my eyes out for my sister. And I choose to really grow and be more intentional about the loved ones in my life and be really present because all we have is right now.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Awe Crystal. I understand what your sister is feeling. We are very fortunate as human beings to have the opportunity to love and take care of our pets. I am most certain that dear Alice knew in her heart that she was loved and cherished. When it was time to say good-bye to my 15 year old dog a few years ago I came across an email that made me smile. An email about a little boy whose words were so precious ... "animals don't live as long as us people do because we are still learning how to love and accept everyone but they already know how to love unconditionally." Alice will live in your hearts forever!