Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Be the Asker Of The Questions

To be on a quest is nothing more or less
than to be an asker of questions.

Today, I was on a quest.

I was on a quest to get to the bottom of a very strange phone message that I received on my home phone.

The phone message was from a collections agency. The person on the phone was clearly suffering from one or all of the following:
- he did not like his job and was absolutely obnoxious as a result
- he thought that leaving a rude, disrespectful and almost threatening message would somehow get him what he wanted
- he was power-tripping because he was treated unfairly as a child and was acting out his frustration now, decades later.

I have no idea!

I had no idea why they were calling me. And I am not outstanding on any bills that I know of. But I was still a bit uneasy, wondering, "Why on earth is someone calling me and being such an idiot." The other thought that came to my mind was, "Oh My God! Did I forget to pay a bill?!"

I called the guy back and he didn't have any record of me.

Very odd! Very odd indeed, because he left a message using my name and he had my home phone number!

I rarely use that number so I was even surprised by this call for that reason alone, not to mention the threatening tone and/or financial issue inferred!

Upon further research, the guy had absolutely no record of me, my name, anything! Except my phone number.

He hung up and called me back about 15 minutes later...asking, "What is your last name?"

I told him and he was then confused. He still had no idea who I was! I told him that I could replay his message and he would hear that he mentioned my name and some personal details - a CIBC credit, etc.

Well, at the end of the 20 minute discussion, we figured it out! A girl who used to have my phone number was also named Crystal, except with a different last name.

So...the phone message appeared to be for me...after all, it is my phone number and my name is Crystal...but it wasn't really for me.

It was just a coincidence.

We finally figured it out...but it took 20 minutes. It could have taken much less time if I had been 'the asker of the questions', if I had been a little more intentional. They guy on the phone thought he had the right person so he was not asking any more questions...he just wanted money. I should have asked clearer questions in the beginning and that would have solved things in 1 minute.

Mom, you ask great questions. You really are on a quest...for each of us; your kids and grandkids...and you are an amazing 'asker of the questions' to help us become what we could be! Thank you.

I love you, Mom.
Thank you for the quest you're on...and for your sharp wit, sarcasm and just the right amount of humour that I borrowed today when I was talking to this guy today!

love Crystal

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