Friday, November 19, 2010


"Perhaps the real heart within us is not just a pump. Perhaps the real heart within us is about love and faith. Perhaps the physical body is not who we really are. Perhaps we are these invisible souls walking around, and the body is just an instrument or metaphor for something we are trying to learn."

Yesterday I watched part of the Oprah show. It was about faith and healing. And it was fascinating to say the least.

There was no debate or argument about science versus religion or anything like that. The show was just about this faith healer in Brazil and people on the show recounted their experiences there.

One person was the editor for O Magazine. Another was a medical doctor. And another was a lady with cancer. They all had their own stories to share and all came away with a profound healing experience of one sort or another.

The rest of the day, as i was working, I couldn't help but think about the show and the capacity for humans to create their own world with the power of belief and the strength of their faith.

What if....the guy is a hoax, which most science believers think.
What if....he's actually got a gift from God, which most believers think.

Whatever the truth is...people are walking away healed - and whether it's actually their own faith and belief (that they will experience a miracle) that plays a part in what goes on...or whether they're just present and receive a doesn't really matter...because something is working.

Dr. Rediger, one of the people on the show (the skeptic doctor) had this to say after going to see the healer:

"Perhaps the real heart within us is not just a pump, he says. "Perhaps the real heart within us is about love and faith. Perhaps the physical body is not who we really are. Perhaps we are these invisible souls walking around, and the body is just an instrument or metaphor for something we are trying to learn."

Mom, thank you for teaching us to live in a belief of "Perhaps".

Perhaps things aren't always what they seem. Perhaps things are not always black and white. Perhaps there's more to the story than what we know. Perhaps we must believe it and then we'll see it. And perhaps faith and love might be more real than science ever could prove.

Love you,

PS And perhaps it's time to dust off that shovel and get out the car scraper! Winter has arrived in Kelowna!! You know what that means....Christmas is coming!!

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