Friday, November 19, 2010

Intentions that last for generations?

Hi Mom,

While I was driving and working today, I was listening to an audio program that I haven't listened to in a while, by this scientist named Lynn Mctaggart. She wrote a book called, "The Intention Experiment". I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but if I haven't....It's about how our intentions or prayers have an impact in our lives and the world around us.

When I was listening to this one part today, it came to me that YOU do exactly what they were talking about in the program. Basically, the science experiment studied fruit flies that had been hatched in 2 different containers. One container was prayed over (Some people sent the container "good intentions" basically. I know it sounds hokey...but wait!) The other dish - well, nobody did anything with it. Then...the 2 dishes were sent to a different lab where the new lab people didn't know what had happened with the 2 containers. They, then, hatched fruit flies in the 2 separate containers...and what they found was very interesting! The fruit flies that were hatched in the container that had been prayed over actually were larger, healthier and lived longer! So did their offspring....compared to the other container. The findings were too significant to be ignored. The end result was that, in some way, the prayers or intentions of the people had an impact on the fruit flies for generations.

I think it's the same way in our family! It's because of YOUR intention for all of us; your kids and grandkids, that we somehow seem so blessed; so lucky in so many ways. And the impact of your prayers and intentions, Mom, if it's the same as the science experiment, lasts for generations to come. In the experiment, it said that it was as if the DNA of the fruit flies was encoded to be healthier and live longer.

I thought it was fascinating. I sent out positive thoughts to everyone I encountered. (Just in my head, of course.) And while I am not sure anyone else noticed (consciously or subconsciously), it certainly made my day a good one.

I was in a great mood! (Gotta make up for my grouchy mood a couple weeks ago...I'm still in the hole - got a ways to go.) Lots of great stuff happened, too. Wonderful little coincidences...that probably weren't really coincidences at all.
- Woke up just in a great mood, feeling grateful for lots of things and so excited to go on a holiday!
- also excited to see all the snow! It's a winter wonderland out there!
- Chatted on the phone with a girlfriend that I haven't spoken with in a while and can't wait to see some of my girlfriends at this event tomorrow night for the Junior Chamber (Jaycees).
- Ran into another girlfriend at Superstore and had an awesome conversation for 20 minutes in the middle of the aisle.
- Got so many things on my list completed and crossed off...and had such a good time for no real reason.
- Went to see Gwen at the mall and check out their kiosk. It's awesome!!

Really, there was nothing super-amazing about the day...but sending out little intentions for people to experience increased joy, happiness, abundance, love, etc. was a lot of fun. It just felt good.

I did want to send you something too, Mom.
It's the first snowfall here in Kelowna and whenever it snows, I think of you. So...
These are for you.

I went to Eric's parents house and made snow angels (anonymously) in their yard. I thought it was funny. But for all I know, the joke's on me b/c they were probably watching from the windows.

Either way, Mom, I'm sending snow angels to your back yard and hope you know how much all of us appreciate your prayers and positive intentions that you send us every day. The impact you have is incredible.

Love Crystal

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