Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Put it out there to the world!

Good morning!!

I think too much. Just like I talk too much sometimes. ;) It's time to stop thinking and let things be.

Just like this little book, Five wishes. It's not complicated...I just need to put it out there (my wishes) to the world and let them go.

According to the book, though, there is a catch.

We need to take our wishes, write them down. Then...turn them into the "present tense" and write them as if they are actually happening or coming true.

Sounds simple...
Lets try that...Here are my wishes (in a bit of an expanded version)...turned into the present tense and positive, as if they are coming true...

- I am following my own path in life, loving every moment, being absolutely true to myself.
- I spent lots of time with the people that really matter in my life - my brothers and sisters, my mom, nieces and nephews, close friends and girl-friends. We get together often, laugh, talk, hug and love one another.
- I laugh every day, out loud, with abandon...and I don't worry about the future.
- I am with the man in my dreams. He's everything I've dreamed of and I'm everything he ever imagined. We are best friends, life-long partners, loving life, evolving together, loving one another so altruistically. We have a family and love every moment of our time together.
- I travel around the world for a year, taking photos, writing books, exploring untraveled route's and meeting the most incredible people on this journey. I travel with the man in my dreams and we experience and create "God Winks" every day!
- I sing! I play the guitar and piano! And I am absolutely fabulous!
- And, yes, I dance like there's no tomorrow! Anyone that knows me...knows I can already dance...but now, I dance like there's really no tomorrow. We dance the salsa, ballroom, go into those silly dance competitions wearing those gorgeous dresses,
- I am sooooo "good enough"!
- I take time to really look in the eyes of the people who cross my path, whether they were strangers or friends. I can really see them. I see their spirit. I help them bring out their spirit. I inspire them to discover their gifts and talents and share them ith the world.
- I let the silly, enthusiastic and funny side of my personality out more...daily! There's nothing quite as funny. Or as wonderful. Than just being my silly, enthusiastic, energetic self!

Yay...this felt good!

I think I am going to review this and take a little more time to explore what I really do want, what I would really wish for in my heart and continue this in my journal.

The book is fabulous.
Five wishes (or more). Turn them into the present. Put them out to the world. And watch what happens.

That sounds good to me!
I love you Mom.
Thank you for all the wishes you had for all of us...and for making them come true!
I'll be thinking of you in Edmonton.
love Crystal

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