Saturday, April 17, 2010

On my knees.

The past few days have been almost too much. Almost. I'm so excited that I can hardly sit still. The new house. The ironman race in Hawaii. All the amazing things going on. I am so grateful. So excited. So filled with joy!

Mom, I wish you were here right now. For every major decision in my life, you're there. For smaller things you're always there to talk about things with and you're ALWAYS there for every major large decision I've had to getting married, years ago,...or divorced (years later) to buying a house or starting a new business, and then another new're always there.

I'm missing you right now!

I'm so excited I can't even sleep! I can't contain myself. I know that if I was talking to you right now you would have a few things to say...

You'd say "settle down".

"Slow down, chickie!"

and I know your most important message would be,
"You better get down on your knees and pray."

I remember lots of times in the past, when things were going great for me, for whatever reason, and I was celebrating, walking tall and feeling like I was on fire...

I clearly remember you reminding me, in those exact moments, to give thanks. To be grateful. To not get too confident or cocky. To be humble. To never take things for granted.

I'm feeling that today. This morning, I am walking softly, feeling sort of quiet, feeling so incredibly grateful and humbled by it all. A new house and a race are not the biggest things in life, and I know that, but I'm feeling the magnitude of this and everything else in my many things going so very well. So many things that are beyond my wildest dreams.

I am on my knees today, grateful for so many things beyond what I could ever imagine:
Health. Family. Friendship. Freedom. Opportunity. Security. Joy. Happiness. Love. So many of my dreams coming true.

I'm overwhelmed in such a wonderful way!
Mom, thank you for reminding me to give thanks, to be humble and to never take for granted, the gifts we're given in life.

Love you.

This is a link to a video with the song, I can only Imagine, by Mercy Me.

It's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. Part of the lyrics are below...and the link has the song and a video about a father and son, Rick and Dick Hoyt, who compete Ironman races...It's the most inspiring video I have ever seen.

I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By your side

I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When your face
Is before me
I can only imagine

I can only imagine

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