Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Put your feet up and relax.


I think it's time to take a break, put my feet up like you in Mexico and ask Gwen to give me a massage, stretch out like Scotia, relax and find a way to rejuvenate a bit. I've been working (although not in excess) but I have not stopped long enough to just be still so I can fully get over this cold I've had all week.

It's time.

Either that...or the Buckley's will have to get pulled out of the cupboard!

One of my the most relaxing moments I can remember is when we'd come home from university for the weekend and you'd be relaxing on the couch with your feet up (on the short love-seat couch) and we'd be laying on the floor watching tv with you.

Putting our feet up and relaxing! I loved falling asleep on the couch! That was the best!!! There's something so wonderful about being so comfortable that you just want to fall asleep on the couch!

I'm sure you're not putting your feet up too much on your trip!!! Hope your feet are feeling OK. I'm thinking of you!!!

This is I can take a little break, put my feet up, take some time to relax and get ready for bed.

Tomorrow could be a very big day!! I hope to hear back about the financing on the new house...and I think my tenants might buy my condo! Now...that would be simply incredible, wouldn't it?

Lately, I've been in this amazing space...this "flow"...and everything just feels effortless, easy, calm and peaceful. It's a wonderful place to be. I'm so grateful. I think life is supposed to be this way...not without challenges, goals or dreams and striving for them...but a feeling of effortlessness that only seems to be present when I feel (in my gut) that I'm on my right path.

Love you,
Missing you!!!

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