Monday, September 13, 2010

Just as I am.

The weather yesterday was a bit dreary. Sort of rainy. Cloudy. And cool.

A perfect day to make dinner and flapper pie for some friends.

You know when you want something to turn out "just right" and you plan, prepare and think it'll all go according to plan...but then, for some strange doesn't?

That's what happened.

And the moment the milk (for the flapper pie) started boiling over the pot all over the stove, I just knew it was going to be one of those moments that just don't go according to plan.

I think I uttered a few profanities (well...lets be honest...I know I did!) and trying to salvage the situation when flustered and nervous can only lead to bad things!

Bad = runny pies that don't quite set properly.

They still tasted good, mind you, but something went wrong...I'm not sure if I didn't boil the milk enough b/c I was nervous that it would burn, or if the oven wasn't hot enough....


Whatever the reason, things did not go according to my expectations or plan.

The funny thing, though, is that no one seemed to mind. They just laughed and after dinner, ate the pies like they were perfect...just as they were.

It made me think of myself.

We are all 'just the way we are' in many ways.

I realized, as I ate my runny piece of pie with a spoon lastnight, life is quite extraordinary if I simply surround myself with people who love me, just as I am...and who don't mind what my pie looks like...

Mom, this is just another little lesson that you taught us. To just be ourselves. Not to try too hard or apologize for what we are (or aren't) in life or be upset when things don't work out as planned. We just are who we are. And if we can just be that, it'll all work out!

Love you.

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