Saturday, September 4, 2010

We are more than we think we could be...

Thank God for the people in my life who challenge me to believe that I'm more than I thought I could be.

Yesterday, I thanked God for the people in my life who challenge me to believe that I'm more than I thought I could be.

At the ironman race, I met someone I've admired for years. Her name is Sister Madonna. She's a nun. She's also 80. And she's done 44 Ironman races!

Yes - FORTY-FOUR!!!!!

Her brother, who actually was a "brother" also did them until he past away in his mid-eighties, a few years ago.

Sister Madonna is an inspiration to everyone in the triathlon sport. She's humble. Confident. Strong. Determined. And so much more. She didn't finish the race last week. She had trouble with her wetsuit and couldn't finish the swim. When she was telling us about it, she said,
"The Lord saved me from that awful weather on the bike. So, when I pulled myself out of the swim, I went to warm up in the med-tent and decided to volunteer there for the rest of the day."

I think God uses us for bigger things sometimes. Bigger things than we might think we're capable of.

I know that when I have faith and am open to possibilities that God, the Universe and life present to me, my life is on it's "right" path. I'm on my right path. And it's such a different path from the safe, controlled, limiting path that I might have opted for....

Today, I thank God for having a bigger use for me than what I might think I'm capable of.

My sister Gwen shows me, every day, how her life is used by God to make a difference in the world. (The day before the race, she gave me some pictures of her - to take on the race. I took those pictures and when I ran into the headwinds on the bike, I pulled them out of my little bike bag and looked at them. They gave me strength - to dig deep - to be strong - and to have faith.

Lastnight, we went to a concert by Jesse Cook at Mission Hill Winery.

It was gorgeous!!! Oh My GOD! It was a stunning evening!

Jesse Cook is one of the most amazing guitar players ever! He and his band put on a show that brought people to their feet most of the night. He was amazing! I think, in some way, there's a spiritual aspect to anyone who is soooo good at what they do. I think they are called there - to that place - to follow their become what they could be.

I think we're all called to become what we could be. I think we're all called to be AMAZING at something in our lifetime!!!

...if only we'd listen to that calling.

As I write this, I am thinking about my own life - my own calling - wondering what I am called to do. I am wndering about the next phase of my life...wondering what I should be focusing on, spending my time on... to be "used" by God in my life. I'm wondering what's in I am born with, that are wanting to get out...wondering what I am called to be, to shine, to share, to inspire...

While I don't know some of these answers, I do know that living a little more intentionally, living a little more slowly, living a lot more from my heart and a lot less from my mind is a giant leap to becoming what I could be and a great step closer to being used by God for bigger things!

Love you, Mom.

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