Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What are you called to do?

I've been thinking about this question for years. I ask myself this question often. I ask this question in all my programs and workshops. I encourage and push people to dig deep and figure out what they are called to do.

I know and feel that I'm on the right track, moving in the direction of what I am called to do...but I'm not there yet. Sometimes I feel like I am moving forward...sometimes...moving 2 steps backwards.

Sometimes I have felt that I'm doing exactly what I am called to do. And then a year later, I'm not satisfied with whatever that was anymore...and am craving a bit of a change or something different in my career. Perhaps that's just evolution or growth. Who would want to do the exact same thing for years on end without growing, changing or evolving...so I think it's great that I'm always wanting to get better and figure out where my spirit is being called.

I just know there is more out there for me in my career. I know I am not at my potential yet. (Thank God! Wouldn't it be sad to know that the best days of my career have already passed...and I'm not even 40!) I know that I've got more to give, more to share and more inspiring to do.

And to do that, I've just got to be present, listen to my intuition and use my head but follow my heart.

This year, I am grateful as I reflect on all these changes; all the simplifying in my life; all the slowing down and being still; all the 'getting real and honest with myself'; all the de-cluttering in my surroundings and in my soul; all the work; all the changes (the new house, slowing down and refocusing on my priorities, re-evaluation of my entire life to live more intentionally) are paying off, I think.

I feel so much more joyful and joy-filled, more inspired, more at peace and more calm and relaxed.

And yet again, I just need to focus now...focus on a just a few things at a time, not everything all at once, and show up every day to follow through on those few things.

I used to have a saying that I would tell my clients/participants in my groups;
"Become more than you were when you woke up this morning."
If we just show up and become a little more, every day, then...at the end of the month, year or decade...those tiny little steps taken every day to become just a tiny bit more...will have an exponential effect on our lives.

What this really says to me is to simply practise what I preach. Follow my own advice. Maybe even do my own "90 Day Challenge" workbook that I created. (Now, that's a novel idea!)

Mom, you always practise what you preach. It's probably time I did, too.

Thank you.
Love you,

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