Monday, September 6, 2010

Creating space...

Well, I finally got my running shoes on, for the first time since the race, and went for a run through the park in Caseloma. Not too long, just over 40 minutes, and after a week of doing absolutely nothing, it felt so good to get out and get some exercise. I can't believe my body is feeling 100% already! I am blessed!!

The weather was cloudy and calm, making the sky and water almost the exact same shade of blue-gray. It was gorgeous.

Getting back to the simple things today felt good. Creating space to go for a run. Then, making time to pic those weeds in the front garden that I've had on my "to do" list for a month, a couple of which were taller than me! Oops...

I'm a bit quiet today. Not that anything's wrong. Probably just that the rush and excitement of the race is over and it's the calm, quiet time that comes after accomplishing or completing anything, creating space for the future and new opportunities.

I'm so grateful for my health and that the race went so well. So happy to share the experience with people I care so much about. So excited about the possibility of actually applying myself and seeing what I'm capable of next time.

(I know are waiting for the day that I'm done with this racing stuff...but if Sister Madonna is doing Ironman races at 80, I must have a few years left.) :)

Lastnight, I made an amazing cherry, peach, blueberry crumble, with peaches and cherries from the backyard. I had to do something with the peaches b/c they are filling up the fridge and I needed to create space there. And I'd make fruit crumble every day if I could!!

Create space...and then fill it.

I think this is what we do in ln so many areas of our lives....

In the garden, b/c it's where there's no plants that the weeds grow.

I create space in terms of my time...and then fill it.

In the fridge, too.

And in my cupboards and closets.

Mostly, though I see how I do my mind.

I create space in my mind...and then I fill that space with a new (or old) thought, idea or feeling.

I'm going to try to just create space in my mind...and leave it empty for a bit. Stop using my ipod when I run once in while. Get out and pick more of those weeds and get lost (in the jungle and in my mind), thinking about nothing.

As I write this, Mom, I'm thinking about the back closet at your house, where there's a perfect mix of creating space and then filling it....with recycling, tupperware, potatoes, jars, containers and even the roaster.

I love you. Miss you.
Can't wait to see you.
love Crystal
PS: I need to create space in my closet, garage and organize the kitchen cupboards in a better way! How about if I do the closet and garage...and save the kitchen cupboards to do with you, when you get here? :)

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