Sunday, September 19, 2010

I heard a great line today when watching an educational video. It said;
"If children have interest, education happens."
It's not only true of children but adults, too.

The video also mentioned "the method of the grandmother", which was to have a person stand behind students and admire them and say "Great job. You're doing really well." (This is what you do for all your grandkids and kids! Thank you, by the way.)

So, anyway, the video talked about learning and how people (not just children) learn when they're interested in something and are self-directed (meaning they go and research the answer). It was very COOL!

It made me think of what I could be doing with my I could make a difference somehow in my own way...and while I don't know exactly what my calling is, it's never too late to keep trying.

After all, Sister Madonna is almost 80 and doing Ironman races. You and Don got married at 70! (I loved when you said "There's still hope for you, honey. Look at me!" (in reference to getting married at 70) :) I know a lady who went to university at 65 and became a counsellor at 69.

You're right, Mom, there's lots of hope and time for all great things to happen...
This past year has been one extraordinary year...and the one coming will be even better.

I just saw a commercial that said, "Are you reaching your potential? Your calling is calling." (That's a bit ironic and sit here writing you and thinking about my calling. WEIRD!!

Anyway, I'm rambling...but I did do my 3 little things towards my goal yesterday and today, I'm gonna get there, too! Yay! Small steps. As Cindy says, "keep moving forward". Yesterday, I went out for a long run and found myself in the pouring rain, scrambling up a dirt embankment (looking for a shortcut), laughing to myself. It was a great adventure! Sort of like life.

Today, I had a few stumbling blocks though...the freezer (with all the frozen cherries and peaches in it) died today. I think it's the whole freezer and fridge, actually, but for now, I just care about the freezer's contents. I took as much as I could to the downstairs fridge and then went out to buy a little freezer. It's plugged in and cooling I think your fruit will be OK. At least I hope so. I'll check into a new fridge tomorrow.

I love you, Mom.
Thank you for sharing the true essence of the method of the grandmother to all of us!

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