Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Little Reminder

This morning I received a little reminder...a reminder that my health is the most important thing in life.

Without our health, life becomes very challenging, difficult, painful, energy-consuming and stops me from doing what I want to do.

I woke up with a kink in my neck. It is only a kink in my neck. Nothing serious. Nothing major. Time will heal it and I'll be just fine in a day or two. But today, it's all I can think about. I can't move very fast, my neck is sore and I have to lift my head with my hand so I can get up from bed. I went to the chiropractor right away this morning and they aligned the vertebrae but the muscles are spasming and so tight that I can't really move or look to the left very well.

This is totally minor but it is affecting everything I do today and this is a huge reminder for me, not just a little reminder, of how important our health is.

Today, living intentionally is a not-so-gentle reminder of the importance of taking care of my health.

Mom, can you please make it go away?
(Yes, I know, I'm a poor baby!)

Love you,
PS I had coffee with Anne today and we had a wonderful visit and talk about all sorts of things. She's truly a wonderful lady. We met at the Zellers coffee shop and had coffee (certainly not Starbucks strength) and I had to have a little piece of blueberry pie. Anne insisted. So...it's two treats this week, not one.

And apparently we're getting together next week to have coffee and I'm making cherry pie. (I'm going to need to call you for some advice on this one, Mom!)

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