Monday, July 5, 2010

Paint where you are looking...

"Paint where you are looking. Don't look where you are painting."

Mel's art teacher from years ago.

You know you are blessed when friends look at your life and assess what balls you're juggling...and then step in, grabbing your balls in the air, exchanging them for better ones and then invite you to step back while they take on and juggle your new balls for you.

As I walk on my path in this life, I am constantly amazed at how angels (the ones I can see and the ones I can't) come into my life and bless me with all that I dream of and need.

Mel called me last week and said, "Alright, when are we getting together to pick paint colours for your basement so that you can get it ready to rent out with Vacation Rentals By Owner? I was not thinking of that, although the need to bring in revenue is weighing on my mind. I was busy, preoccupied, focusing on the cherries on the tree, the never ending yard work, teaching my program last week and juggling the hostel during it's very busy week while my manager is away.

Most of the balls I've been juggling are the right ones...but I dropped the one about the basement and needing to get it ready to rent out. I was more preoccupied with the cherries. Funny how, in retrospect, it's easy to have clarity and prioritize what's most important, but last week, I couldn't see the big picture correctly.

So Mel stepped in. She took over some of the things I was juggling and then switched balls, picking up the more important and urgent ones,dropping some others, and then became the leader in my life for just a moment b/c she saw that I was overwhelmed and needing some help. (I was looking where I was painting, not painting where I was looking.)

She is definitely an angel in my life.

Like so many other treasured friends, family and loved ones. Angels with imaginary wings that guide me and lead me when I need...or walk beside me when I'm on my right path.
So, lastnight Mel and a few friends came over to paint one of the rooms downstairs. It was wonderful. I am blessed. I'm on my way now.

I'm "painting where I'm looking...not looking where I'm painting".

This is a great piece of advise while painting...and is a perfect metaphor for life. To live and go where I am looking...not simply look where I'm going. Like look ahead when making a turn to where you want to go, not down at the curb...or you'll hit the curb.

My sister Carmel took me out driving and taught me that years ago, when I had my learners licence. She said "look where you want to go. Don't look down at the curb or you'll hit it b/c the car will go where you are looking.

Mom - this is one you know well. A universal truth that you live by....looking ahead and paining a life for all of us based on your vision. We are so very blessed!

Love you,

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