Thursday, October 7, 2010

Plan B

What do you think of Plan B?
I was out for a run yesterday and it came to me that this plan just might be as good or better than the original plan!! You would have 4 of your girls here...just think of the fun we'd have!!!

And the timing of the Rider game is PERFECT!!

Life's not always perfect and it seems, sometimes, that just when we plan for something, it doesn't quite work out how we hope it will. But, Mom, you're the very best and creating an even better "Plan B" and no matter what the plan is over the next couple weeks,you've taught us so well to have hope and make the best of any situation.

Thank you for all of these little life lessons that you've inspired all of us to follow and learn from. I sure hope we can make this plan b work out....

Gwen and I are going to cross our fingers!!
love you both,

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