Saturday, October 9, 2010

Intentional Decisions

Today is the Hawaii Ironman championship. I put my name in for the lottery and got in but decided a couple months ago that I didn't want or need to go.

Surprisingly, the decision not to go and race was very easy...even though it's the most challenging sporting event in the world and (for those that aren't fast enough to me), I'd received one of the most sought after lottery spots.

Just finishing the race in August did make the decision easier as well, because doing a race 6 weeks later would be beyond difficult, to say the least.

I'm watching the live video feed of the pre-race right now and happy to be doing so from afar, rather than being one of those 2000 athletes getting ready to jump in the water in 30 minutes.

A very cool intentional decision. Thanks Mom! If I hadn't been focusing on living more intentionally, I'm sure I'd be there simply because I'd gotten an opportunity to go...not because I truly, intentionally wanted to be there.

I think I've almost made some other decisions about racing next year ...not that you want to hear them, Mom,...but..maybe Ironman Canada next August and what do you think of Ironman Western Australia next December? Some friends are doing that race...and it is supposed to be a gorgeous course!! We'll see! You'll be the first to know!

Now, on to more relevant decisions...choosing paint colours for the house and vacation rental downstairs. I have no idea what colours to choose! I think I need some professional help from a decorator or designer.

And what to do on this beautiful Saturday...
- put something good into my mind...I'm reading two good books right now: Women, Food and God ...and Spark: the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain
- put something good into my body...I'm doing a test run of your amazing pumpkin pie today in preparation for Sunday dinner at Gwen and Robs!!
- get some exercise...going for a run later
- and focus a little on my 'calling' and what I'm meant to be doing in my on the garage, spend a little time on my book and 15 min on the guitar

So...what do you think of Plan B? :) Gwen and I still have our fingers crossed and hearts hoping!!!

love you,

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