Sunday, October 17, 2010

An unexpected path to almost everything.

The sun is shining on another glorious morning and the view is almost blinding over the water!
And I'm getting a head start on Christmas already! But I need your help!
I want to make socks or something...and am a little lost! Where's my momma when I need her? haha...

Actually...that's no joke! I'm serious!!
I need my momma! And not just to help me with this knitting! :)

Thanks for the little chat yesterday and today. Great to speak with you Mom. I miss you!

I'm reading this great book right now called, "Women Food and God: an unexpected path to almost everything.". It's very good! I wanted to read it for myself and my own sake and also for our DIVA Retreats since food and body/weight issues are something that most women grapple with.

One chapter is entitled, "If Love Could Speak" and it talks about the following...
Eating when you're what your body wants, stop when you've had enough...and take off the 'boots' (stories, thoughts, self-defeating things we say to ourselves) that are holding us down from soaring in a new world (where we love and accept ourselves, our bodies and allow our spirit to shine).
The book goes on to say that
Food and eating isn't the problem with weight...and the obsession over food and the body isn't about something you do; it's about knowing who you are. It's about knowing what sustains you and what exhausts you. What you love and what you think you love because you believe you can't have it.

Eating should be about nourishing the body.
If love could speak...what would it say?
Trust the process, trust your longing for freedom. Eventually you will stop wanting to do anything that interferes with the increasing brightness you have come to associate with being alive. And rest assured that like the butterfly that flutters its wings in one part of the world and int causes a hurricane in another, every time a woman aligns her eating with relaxation, every time she takes off her damn boots, the laces fly open for the rest of us.

IF Love Could Speak Instructions:
1. Eat when you are hungry.
2. Eat sitting down and in a calm environment. This does not include the car.
3. Eat without distractions. Distractions include radio, TV, newspapers, books, anxiety producing conversations or music.
4. Eat what your body wants.
5. Eat until you are satisfied.
6. Eat (with the intention of being) in the full view of others.
7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.

The book is amazing! And the tag line, "An unexpected path to almost everything." is quite poetic. The book is really about the relationship we have with ourselves, not only with food.

You could have written this book in many ways, Mom. You look fabulous! After 10 kids! Seriously - amazing! How do you look so good? You eat what nourishes you. You eat when you're hungry and stop when you've had enough. You eat at the table and taught us to do these same things. I hated beets until you told me they were good for me. Same for brussel sprouts. You rarely eat treats (I must get that from Dad!) and you take time to listen to what your body needs.

Thank you for your influence, for all your recipes and for being such a big part of the path to almost everything.

I love you,

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