Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Note to self - stretch!

On Thanksgiving weekend, Gwen, Charlotte (a friend of ours) and I went to Bear Creek Park to run the stairs. The stairs were sort of like in this photo although I didn't have a camera so this photo is just from the internet but it looked very similar...and just as steep!
The stairs were over 100 steps to go up. Gwen said they were closer to 140...I am not sure. I lost count!
We ran up and down the stairs 6 times and then hiked the 2km loop that went up, over and around the creek and then back down to the car.

We had so much fun!!!

Until the next day...and the day after that! Today, my calves are still so sore that it hurts to walk down any stairs. Going up is OK but going down is not easy! I feel more sore than when I've done a triathlon! I spoke to Gwen yesterday and we both laughed at our sore calves.

Note to self: stretch!

We're planning a big friend stair-climbing session on Friday. I'm not sure that I'm ready! Maybe one or two sets...but that's about it! Maybe I can be there for moral support and cheering! I'll let you know how it goes!! Gwen's so excited about it! It's a big work-out and will be so much fun with a bunch of people!

Next time, I think we should stretch though. Take a few minutes at the end. Stop. Stretch. Slow down. And take it easy.

One thing is for sure...all things are more fun, more enjoyable and more worthwhile when surrounded by friends and family.

Running over 800-900 steps alone would be very hard...but with friends and family...we just laughed the entire time!

Well...we laughed at that time but I certainly wasn't laughing the next day!

I can hear you saying, "Well, why don't you just go do that again!"
Love you, Mom.
See you soon!

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