Gwen and I made it home around mid-night lastnight after a long drive home.
We made the 6pm ferry which was awesome. We had a reservation for the 5pm but it was cancelled. Luckily they moved us to the 6pm ferry b/c there was a 2 sailing wait and we would not have gotten out until 10:00pm if we didn't have a reservation.
Then, once in Vancouver, we found or way, we got lost, we almost got to the USA border and then we finally got back on track...arriving home safe and sound, just a little tired.
It was a fantatic weekend! I don't even know where to start to tell you about it!
One of the siimplest yet most profound points the instructor mentioned has stuck with me. Two simple instructions that hear learned from a Hawaiian.
Number 1:
Remember who you are.
Number 2:
Step into your power.
Sounds easy...but is it really?
This is wisdom that you could have shared in exactly those words - simple and to the point. You certainly instilled these instructions in us, growing up.
Even with you as a parent, the most amazing Mom in the world, it's not easy to do these things least not from my experience or what I see around me. Even in my business classes, my students think their greatest problem is finding the money. My response to that it, "If you really had everything else together, the money would find you." Then, in my classes we talk about the real things holding us fear, bad timing, lack of skills, resources or confidence and other things like not knowing where to start or lacking the courage to know where to start and even the not so simple task of simply taking a leap of faith.
The course this weekend was totally enlightening in many ways and I can't wait to learn more. It's a blend of psychology and kinesiology (a fancy word for muscle testing and how the body responds to certain mental/emotional thoughts. Totally up my alley. I felt like I was right at home!
Anyway, more on that later.
For now, I've got to practise my guitar. Gwen was a star on her uki. She was going to teach me a few things but when I tried to tune my guitar with her uki tuner (and my lack of ability) it didn't work out very well and I had to take it in to the music store today to ask them to tune it. Suffice it to say that, right now, you'd want me to play with "earphones" like on the organ, if you could hear me!
Love you, Mumsy!
Can't wait to see you!!!
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