Sunday, August 15, 2010

Almost effortless...

When I'm on my right path, things seem almost effortless...

Yesterday, I swam almost 4km with a friend, on a last big (and one of my only) long swims. The swim component of the race is 3.8km and swimming almost 3.5km yesterday seemed almost effortless. I found myself daydreaming, singing songs in my head, feeling the water and visualizing for an hour and 15 minutes. It was glorious.

It seemed almost effortless.

Even though life isn't always easy and I'm certainly concerned about many things that I'm juggling and working on, work, life, the yard...everything...seem sort of effortless these days.

I think it's because of 2 simple things;
1.letting other people help me, instead of trying to do everything myself
2 being comfortable and content

I'm so grateful to the people who've made my life so much easier and effortless by simply taking over when I need their help or by lending a hand if that's all I need. It's hard to get over my embarrassment when people see that I'm not as organized as I could be or that I drop the ball in certain areas, but it's (probably) a good lesson in life for me to simply accept their help and say thank you, rather than try to prevent them from helping.

Life is so much more effortless and easy that way.

Gwen helped me finish the floor leveling yesterday and it was so much easier, faster and more fun to work together. We laughed, talked and just had so much fun working together. Another friend helped me move my desk and patio furniture, which I could never have done alone. Finally, everything is out of the old house and now I just have a few things in the garage.

Mom, I don't know how you managed all of us, life, work, and taking care of yourself when we were growing up. There was so much to do...I cannot even imagine what you went through. It, most certainly, was not effortless.

But thanks to your effort, and all that you've given to all of us - not things but all things intangible - you've made our lives so much easier and effortless.

Seeing you so happy, comfortable and content now teaches me a lot about being content in my own life .

You...and Scotia really do seem so happy and content these days.

She can't wait to see you! And she's sooooo excited to show you what's in the freezer and what's been happening in the jungle!

I love you, Mom.
Thank you again for all of your effort, energy and love...that seems to make all of our lives so incredibly effortless.

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