Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our bodies are our temple.

This morning would be a perfect morning for the race! There is no wind and not a cloud in the sky! The forecast is not looking so good for the weekend! I'm a bit nervous about that. Mom - pray for sunshine and no wind! Please.

Lastnight I went to a gathering for the fitness store and dealers...there was a speaker and he had some really great things to say.

There were 4 key thoughts that stayed in my mind.

1. Ask yourself, "What is your intent?" on a daily basis or when you are doing anything.

2. Why is it that we, as human beings using our bodies, are the only thing that gets worse with time spent? For example, if we played guitar for 15 min/day for 30 years – we would be exceptional at playing the guitar, but with our bodies, and we have them for 24 hours per day, we simply get worse with time?

3. With exercise, if we're not working/striving/expending energy to the point of failing, (ie: using our muscles to the point of exertion)we’re just staying the same...not growing, getting stronger or better.

4. If we reduce the time we spend watching TV, and replace that time with going for a walk or getting out in nature, the results would be immeasurable!

Peter Twist, the speaker, also had a good quote.
"Today I will give everything I have, for what I keep inside I will lose forever."
This morning, as I lay out my stuff for the race and think about the speech lastnight, and the next few days, I realize and remind myself that our bodies are our temple.

My body is my temple.

Mom, thank God you intervened when we were kids and you found out we were eating ice cream, with chocolate "Quick" and milk on top, for breakfast. We were probably 9 or 10. When you found out, you put an abrupt end to that. I remember Saturday mornings, eating ice cream, and watching cartoons...until you came downstairs one morning and caught us eating ice cream.

You were not impressed!

Mumsy, I love you...for helping me to realize that my body is my temple...and also just because.

love Crystal

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