Thursday, March 25, 2010

Living intentionally = family

Living intentionally = Family = Friendship And Miracles Inspiring Love (in) You!

Mom, I thought of this little meaning of what family could mean...
Friendship and miracles...that inspire love in me.

Our family really is all about creating friendship and miracles that inspire love in you (and me).

Tonight, we're 6 out of 10 kids together! That, in itself is a miracle! The rest will be here soon! We wish you were here.

Here's a photo from tonight's dinner. Sushi and salad - sitting on the floor in the hotel room at the Westin! This really is what living intentionally is about. Taking time. Friendship. Creating miracles in each other's lives. Inspiring love in one another. And sharing it.

Our brothers were having a business meeting...and of course, I had to interrupt it to give them each a hug! Mom, when Rudy saw me, he stood up and the happiness on his face was amazing. I felt so loved. It was only a moment in time but I won't forget it. It was a small miracle. A God-Wink for sure.

It's late and I have so much yet to I better go for now.
I love you.
Thank you for your friendship and miracles taht inspire love in me.
PS you really are like the marshmallow in rice-crispy cake.

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