I just got to my hotel, here in Edmonton, after a day filled with all kinds of moments.
Tonight, after a great 1/2 day at work and my ritualistic trip to Chapters to browse all the beautiful books (and go to Starbucks to get some coffee for the morning and my other ritual (um, er...well, it could be an addiction...but lets call it a ritual instead).
At Chapters, I found this magazine called "Good". www.good.is
It reminded me of my favourite magazine, Ode, and both are very, very "good". Literally!
The cover of Good was enough to make me want to pick it up and check it out. The inside is as good or better than the captivating cover.
Seeing it was a sign. It made me slow down enough to stop and read it. So, not only was it a sign but it actually worked.
I look for signs. Always. And they always appear. Like God Winks. Because I decided to slow down at Chapters and browse a little more, I was able to hear my phone go off when my friend texted me. So, I texted back. And we ended up having a great conversation. This friend is the kind of friend that I take with me everywhere I go. Like my mom. I take her everywhere I go, too!
Mom, I think you know this, but I do take you everywhere I go. You're always with me on these sometimes hilarious adventures I find myself on, whether you want to be or not! :) There's a little piece of you that I carry with me always. You're always there with me. Always. And when ever I feel like celebrating, or when things are going really well, I feel you like wind beneath my wings. Truly. And, well, when things are not so good, I know I'm not alone b/c you're there during those times, too. It's very reassuring.
It's the same for this friend of mine, Mark. We met a number of years ago and I knew when we met that our paths were supposed to cross. Since that time, I've carried a tiny piece of this person with me, everywhere I go, too...along with my mom, siblings and a few other life-long friends and "forever friends". It sounds corny, but it's true.
There is a great quote by Flavia that comes to mind as I write this;
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. "
— Flavia Weedn
I'm so grateful that I've had so many people come into my life and leave footprints on my heart. So many people in my life who have the courage to be totally honest and truthful with me. To build me up and tell me to get going. And to also tell me when to slow down.
That's the gift one of my most treasured friends said today.
And she's right. Although I am making huge strides (and I do mean huge) towards slowing down and creating a new plan over the past year (since last summer), I still have a ways to go.
It is time to focus, again. To redefine and clarify what I am doing and why. And to streamline my goals and dreams to be able to better keep them in the forefront of my mind....
My mom has often said to me, "Cryssie, you can do anything you want dear. Just not everything." This is one of those times that I need to be reminded of that.
Mom, love you! I can't wait to slow down with you this summer at the beach! Thank you for being such a wonderful mom and for always slowing down for us. For making time for us. For showing us what was most important in life. For leaving footprints everywhere on all of our hearts. By the way, I got a pack of cheezies from the vending machine in honour of you (and Kate...and maybe Don, too. He probably hasn't had any since Kate's been there last.) :)
Love Crystal
PS: the three best things that happened to me today were: waking up with a smile on my face, the strength of my friends to be so honest and truthful when they see me running a bit too fast, needing to slow down; and conversations with my Mom and a few friends that I absolutely adore.
PPS: thank you to my sister Cindy who reminded me of (this and) their little ritual...more on this tomorrow.
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