Monday, May 24, 2010

Beauty, Kindness and Calm

It's 5:48am and the sun is shining...outside and inside!

After spending about 3 hours outside (yesterday afternoon) cutting the grass, blowing and picking up the little seeds from the trees, weed-whacking, sweeping, watering the plants and tidying the garage a little more, I just took my coffee and went on a little walk around the yard to admire the beauty that surrounds me.

Lastnight, Anne called from Manitoba (The owner of the new house.). She asked me to check to see if her trees are being watered by the neighbour. I said that we would water them, if the neighbour isn't. I asked her if we could put some things in the garage. She replied without hesitation. "That would be good. You can keep an eye on my place then." The kindness and trust she has expressed is simply over the top! Being able to move some things to her garage will be so helpful b/c I have to de-clutter my house a bit...and to be quite honest, it's so exciting to go over there and just "be" there. I walked into the house last week, to meet the inspector (so the door was open b/c he was already there) and it was like coming home!
As I woke up with the sun this morning, I felt this wonderful sense of calm. A sense that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Scotia was purring right beside me, waiting for my eyes to open. There's lots of things I'm not sure about but I've got this feeling that I'm on my right path these days and that feels amazing. I read once that intuition means "unconscious knowing". I know when my intuition is talking to me...telling me to re-evaluate or choose a different makes me feel unsettled...throwing up tiny red flags into the air within my is calm, quiet, peaceful...silently confirming that I'm on my right path. That's how it feels right now. In my life, I have seen the red flags and felt that unsettled feeling before every major decision in my life...and then, shifting direction, this sense of quiet calm...peace...takes over.

Today, living intentionally helps me see all the beauty that surrounds me; kindness that leaves me in awe; and a sense of calm that silently confirms that I'm on my right path.

Mom - thank you for all the beauty, kindness and calm that you created in our lives. You taught us that there is beauty everywhere - in the simple things - that kindness to others, strangers or friends, is expressed without question or hesitation - and you lived your life, for us, making sure that everything was as calm and peaceful as possible, when we were growing up (when it could have been anything but calm).

How lucky are we?


You are amazing Mom.
I love you.

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