Thursday, May 20, 2010

Money well spent...

I don't remember you ever complaining about the cost of things when you had to purchase something necessary. I don't recall you ever being extravagant with your spending either. From my memory, the feeling I recall from you, about spending money was that "Things cost what they cost and when you're buying what you need to buy, whether it was hundreds of dollars on groceries or appliances... that's just how much it is." I'm sure you shopped for the best price for things, and I know you were always a "coupon cutter-outer" but if you needed something, you just bought it and that was that. No second thought about the money spent.

That's how I feel right now. I just spent a few hundred dollars on an inspection on the new house...for the inspector to tell me three (yes = 3) little things that I'll need to follow up with or keep an eye on. A small crack here in the foundation that will need to be monitored but there's no leaking inside. Don't water the flowers too much at the end of the yard b/c the retaining wall has a crack in it as well. And make sure you fix that small part on the roof where a bit of water pools.

That's it.

That's it? How can that be it?

The inspector said that some people are angry when they have to pay the bill when there really isn't much wrong with the home.

I feel the opposite. It was money well spent! Verification that the house is the "right" purchase. Confirmation and confidence that what I'm investing in is sound. I think I get my views from you, Mom. Getting an inspector was the right thing to do...and that's just what it cost - and that's that.

I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

I can't wait for you to come visit.
thank you for your wisdom in teaching me the importance of investing (and spending) wisely.
I love you!
PS: the garage isn't done yet...I need the weekend!

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