Saturday, May 22, 2010


Maybe today is a day to...
- Just say lots of things!

- To pray...not for what I want...but rather for what God might want for me.

- To forget about the past, letting go of things that happened years ago, and focus more on today and what's to come. Wouldn't that feel so much better? Imagine the possibilities.

- To get into that garage. Yes. It's definitely a day for that. Photos to come.

Mom, I love you. I'm so glad you like your blog. I don't have anything witty today to say, although you certainly always do. But I did have a great evening lastnight. I'll call you and tell you about it. Yesterday, I was at the new house in the morning, dropping off a few things before going to work and when I backed out of the drive way, Gwen was on her deck, blowing kisses in my direction. I'm so excited to be moving next door. I think she is too. We both can hardly wait for you to come out to visit.
love Crystal

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