Friday, May 14, 2010

Make a wish...aka...PRAY!

Some might say "make a wish". You would say "PRAY!"

Tonight, I am wishing and praying for all sorts of things...for me and for others...and hoping that these wishes be granted and prayers, heard.

This is a photo taken last summer when I was in India, spinning a larger-than-life "prayer wheel". I'm sure some of my prayers then were the same as they are now.
...and a photo on the beach in Mexico during our retreat...where my wishes, hopes and prayers are sent out to the world.

There's a song by Garth Brooks, "Unanswered Prayers"...that says something like,
Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers

...and I know that it's true...some of God's greatest gifts ARE unanswered prayers.

So...whatever the future holds...I'm going to keep wishing, hoping and praying...and whether those prayers are heard or selectively ignored, I'm so excited about the what the future holds...mostly because you taught us to believe that there's a higher purpose for all things that happen in life and that maybe, just maybe, "divine intervention" really does exist.

(On a totally separate note...I can't remember the exact situations or conversations we've had over the years, Mom, ...but I totally remember you laughing and saying, "Divine intervention! I'll give you intervention, all right!" haaa...I'll have to save that for another day.) For today...thank you for teaching me to believe in a higher purpose and, er, I meant "praying". xoxo

Have a wonderful time at the beach! I'll be here when you get back. Tonight, Gwen and I ate dinner AT THE NEW HOUSE overlooking the lake! Anne gave me a key b/c the inspection is getting done next week...and then I just have to get the interim financing...and YOUR GUEST BEDROOM (and the fruit trees) are calling your name!!!! Yay!!!!!!
Also had a great conversation with Cindy the other day. She told me what I needed to hear. We have the most amazing family, don't we!

Love you and miss you,
PS here are a few other photos that we took on the beach doing yoga poses...

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