Friday, May 28, 2010

Put it in a box...

Yesterday, my house went up on MLS and realtors are now calling (my realtor) to set up apt's to view my home. 5 to 5pm, I packed a few things to take to the new house and crossed my fingers as I left the house.

My home looks gorgeous!! You can see it, Mom, on the realtor website. Go to and type this # 10009452 which is my MLS #.

My office area was a bit cluttered with papers and stuff on my I put all my "current" stuff in a box. Not to forget about. But to compartmentalize...and get out of sight for the realtors and their clients. I could not dismantle Scotia's tent (she loves to sleep under the blanket in the chair.) But, it felt good to have a clean desk!

(Who knew?)

And then lastnight, I opened the box and started working on or dealing with the various contents, one piece at a time, rather than just looking at a pile of stuff on my desk and feeling sort of overwhelmed. It was easy...b/c I could only pick out the item at the top. One at a time. Easy!

This is a pretty good that I think you live by often, Mom.

"Put it in a box." It might be a bunch of things to look at or go through (in which case...I remember, when we were young, the box going to one of the far bedrooms, back closet or down to the cooler to deal with later). But it also might be emotions or something else to deal with. In the Dale Carnegie course I took when I was 21 (Don paid for it - that was so AMAZING of him!), I remember learning, "Live in day-tight compartments." Live, sort of, in the present moment and only deal with what you are dealing with - in that moment. Let other things wait (in a box or compartment) until a better time to deal with it - so we don't get overwhelmed...and then unable to deal with anything.

Put it in a box...not to forget about...but to manage and deal with in an easier fashion. I can do that!

Today, we have Tour de Flaman at the fitness store! It's going to be a fantastic day! I'll send photos later.

For now, here are a couple quotes that I found, that I really liked. But I like yours best...about the mushroom!

Love you,

If you are in the now, you'll know how. Baron Baptiste

Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Rumi

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