I'm finally listening.
I'm finally living intentionally.
Thanks Mom!
For months, I have not felt quite right. I knew there was something not quite right with my digestive system but sort of ignored it.
I mean, if I broke my leg or if I cut myself, I'd stop and deal with it...but unless it's serious, it doesn't even register on my radar!
A week ago, I finally decided to go to the medi-clinic and ask what might be wrong. After all, I've done a lot of travelling the past year and might have picked up a "bug" or parasite or something. I remember having e-coli and spending an entire flight in the bathroom a few years ago. I couldn't ignore that and went straight to the medi-center at the Vancouver airport upon arrival. But now, I certainly have not felt bad at all, just not quite right.
It could be possible to have picked up a bug...in India last summer.
Anyway, I finally go to the medi-clinic last week and am rather surprised when they hand me two little bottles and inform me that they need a "stool sample". I figure...I can manage that. So, the next day, I read the instructions, collect and fill the little bottles up to the red line..and put it in the fridge. Then, I seemed to get busy and before I knew it, the lab was closed at the end of the day. It was Friday, so, I kept my little paper bag in the fridge over the weekend until Monday, last week. On Monday, bright and early, I take my paper bag to the lab and give it to the lady. She asks, "when was this sample taken?" to which I reply "Oh, last week but I kept it in the fridge over the weekend." She smirked and said, "Oh no, 24 hours. That's the maximum time allowed. You need to take another sample." It was rather amusing. I laughed at the thought of my paper bag in my fridge all weekend and the process of taking another sample. Sometimes the silliest things can be so funny.
So, to make a long story short, Mom...I took in my sample last week and the lab calls me today to tell me that I got some sort of bacteria (likely from the water while traveling) and need to take some antibiotics and I'll feel much better within 3 days.
Who knew?
YOU would have, that's who.
Thanks for your influence Mom, and for all that you teach me, even if I'm a slow learner!
I love you!
Today, I had to shop for the hostel so I couldn't get into the garage b/c it was dark...but tomorrow...look out Garage! We have a date! Before/after photos to come by the end of the week!
love Crystal
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