Not for you, but for who ever might need to hear it.
My mom always seemed to know when we needed to hear her tell us that she loved us or when we needed some kind of encouraging words. She often told us how she felt. If she was happy, we knew it. If she was mad, we knew that too. But we always knew she loved us.
Tonight, I went to a fantastic party! I'm so glad I went! There was good conversation, great people, and yes, a little dancing, too! A great lady that I met about 6 months ago, was there. When I met Kelly, I felt an instant connection with a sister. She had blue eyes that just sparkled and such a warm, welcoming personality. She shares many of my Mom's incredible gifts and, tonight, she shared those gifts to me. She took a moment to share some of her warm and wonderful thoughts of encouragement. On the one hour drive home, I thought of what she had said and, you know, it really amazes me how much of an incredible impact people can have, for others, when they take just a moment to tell someone how they really feel.
Kelly (in the center of the photo), and my mom, remind me not to let the moment pass...and to say what I let people know how much I love them and/or what I really feel....because I don't think we really get another chance to tell them in the same way.
Thank you for the wonderful night! As the song "I Got A Feeling" goes (which is what we were dancing to at this moment)...."I got a feeling...that tonight's gonna be a good night...that tonight's gonna be a good night....that tonight's gonna be a good, good night!"
And it was.
I'm so grateful. Good night.
Hello Crystal.
I have to tell you that I have been following your blog since about Dec 27 - when I somewhat accidently stumbled accross it. I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog, and I look forward to reading it every day. It has inspired me to keep a journal for myself and track my own success at living a more intentionl life. Thanks for your thoughts, ideas, guidance and sincerity. You certainly have an ability to touch the lives of others - even when you don`t know it.
Hi there,
Thank you so much for your note. I totally appreciate what you wrote (more than you know) and that you took the time. Thank you.
Congratulations on starting your own intentional living plan! Yay! How has your experience been so far? I'm amazed at how much of an impact wirting this blog for my mom has had on me. (If you started reading it at the end of might not have read that I'm writing it as a gift for my mom's 75th birthday, sharing all the wisdom she's taught me over the years. I decided to write it in a blog b/c it would then keep me accountable to actually write it (compared to a journal, which I know I wouldn't do) and I've always wanted to write a blog. I have been very nervous to put my inner thoughts and show the "real" me out there for all to read (b/c I'm sooo not perfect), but it's actually been the most amazing experience. The gift really is in the giving, I'm learning. Writing the blog has made me - be more intentional in so many ways and it's also made me feel much more grounded and confident. I hope you find some wonderful results from your decision to track your intentional living plans.
Congratulations on your decision to live more intentionally! And, also, thank you for taking the time to write me. I am grateful.
Wishing you an extraordinary day!
Sincerely yours,
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